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conatix和JW Player合并,创建业界最大的视频技术和货币化平台

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JW Player (JWP), 领先的视频流和数据洞察平台, today announced it is merging with Connatix, the leading video delivery and monetization solution, forming JWP Connatix. 通过统一JWP的广播级直播和点播流, data, 和工作流程功能与Connatix的全栈广告和内容技术, JWP conatix成为业内最全面的独立视频技术和变现平台, publishers, and advertisers.

此次合并正值数字视频生态系统正在经历转型变革之际. 消费者越来越多地选择有线电视(CTV)和流媒体服务, 导致全球广告支出的快速变化,以及新的直接面向消费者的订阅和按次付费服务的出现. In 2024, global CTV ad revenue will surpass $30 billion, 而仅十大流媒体服务就将支持近10亿用户. Given this, publishers, broadcasters, 广告商必须改变他们的视频策略,以满足观众不断变化的期望和商业需求.

“观众观看视频的方式和地点正在迅速变化. As a result, 媒体公司需要创新的解决方案,使他们能够最大限度地提高受众参与度,并帮助优化不同货币化模式的收入, whether it be advertising, subscriptions or commerce,” said David Kashak, Co-founder and CEO of Connatix. “Together, JWP Connatix fulfills that requirement, 通过加速我们公司的共同愿景,创造优质视频观看环境, powered by best-in-class technology, meets high-quality monetization experiences, 使媒体领导者能够提供卓越的成果.”

在这个快速变化的视频生态系统中,JWP Connatix是不可或缺的合作伙伴, powering streaming for over 2,000 blue-chip media companies, including 80% of the top 25 Comscore US publishers. 作为横跨CTV和OLV的全球最大的独立视频网络, 该公司拥有超过10亿独立用户,每月提供300多亿次视频播放和广告展示. Key benefits for customers include:

Hybrid monetization models: Support for subscription, advertising and e-commerce business models, 利用内容和受众的洞察力来帮助实现收入最大化
独特的见解,优化结果:利用人工智能结合数万亿的上下文, consumption, 而货币化数据则是将客户与内容和广告相匹配的信号, boosting engagement
OLV和CTV的单一端到端平台:简化的视频管理平台,可实现跨内容的多种货币化机会, commerce, and creative

“通过合作,JWP conatix开创了数字视频的新时代. 我们业务的互补性使我们能够带来独特的规模组合, product breadth, and industry expertise to the market,” added Dave Otten, CEO and Co-Founder of JWP. “Perhaps more importantly, we are bringing together two knowledgeable, and dedicated teams, whose skill-sets and values are a perfect match. 我们对这次合作感到无比兴奋,并期待着共同塑造数字视频的未来.”

As part of the transaction, Dave Otten will become CEO of the combined company, while David Kashak will serve as its Chairman. JWP conatix的总部将设在纽约,并在伦敦设有办事处, Cluj-Napoca, Eindhoven, Skopje, and Tel Aviv.

About Connatix
conatix是一家视频技术公司,通过轻松和鼓舞人心的解决方案为世界故事提供动力. Through a proprietary full-stack platform, Connatix helps publishers deliver, monetize, analyze and create video, 同时为广告商提供优质的视频库存和一系列数据智能解决方案,包括深度上下文™和预测受众定位. Sitting at the forefront of innovation, conatix利用人工智能的力量来优化收入并确保相关性, efficiency and scale across campaigns.

目前,Connatix与来自数千个网站、领先品牌和代理商的350多家出版商集团合作. 这家私募股权支持的企业已连续两年被评为“AdExchanger Programmatic Power Player”,并被列入Inc .. 连续三年入选5000家增长最快的企业名单. Founded in 2014, conatix总部位于纽约,并在伦敦设有办事处,继续扩大其全球足迹, Cluj-Napoca, and Tel Aviv.

About JWP
JW Player (JWP)是视频流媒体和播放器技术的领导者, 为广播公司和出版商提供一个跨平台的视频内容交付和货币化平台, OTT, CTV, and FAST platforms. JWP的技术有助于提供卓越的视频体验, engage audiences, and increase viewing time. Pioneering innovations like HLS streaming, header bidding for video, and contextual content recommendations, JWP提供了一个全面的端到端流管理平台. Founded in 2008, JWP是全球发展最快的SaaS公司之一,其愿景是为视频驱动型企业提供动力,使其在数字视频经济中蓬勃发展. Serving over 2,000 global broadcasters, publishers, and video-driven brands, JWP每月为超过10亿用户提供视频支持,视频观看时间超过50亿分钟. JWP总部设在纽约,在伦敦、埃因霍温和斯科普里设有办事处.

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